
By Takamatsu Toshitsugu, 33rd Soke of Togakure Ryu Ninpo

The strategy of budô is to protect one's body. However, the essence of self-defense is found in ninjutsu, because ninjutsu also protects your spirit.

That is to say in budô if you do not have the correct spirit, you will get killed. For example, even though it can be said that medicine can be used to save people, it can also kill people. Drinking and eating maintain your life. However, overeating destroys your body.

Politicians should be responsible people who rule the country and protect its citizens, but greedy politicians who lack intelligence and cherish their own desires upset the people and throw the country into disorder.

Religion can also be a good thing if it is honest. It can protect the body, give rise to one's household, and benefit society. However, when it becomes perverted it ruins the body and becomes the reason our nation is put at risk.

Therefore, if you pursue ninjutsu and become a master of budô, you will learn the main point (kanjin kaname) of the secret teachings. This secret is known as "the spirit of the gods, the eyes of the gods" (shinshin shingan).

This main point is to know the way of heaven. The sincerity of heaven does not even have the slightest evil intent - it is righteous. People should be honest. According to heaven, all one should do is have faith. Wood, fire, soil, metal, and water (the gogyo relationship) cannot exist without the soil (contribution). Consequently the midsummer also occurs with the spring, summer, fall, and winter. The four seasons without the midsummer and the five elements without the soil are like heaven without sincerity.

When a person truly becomes honest and sincere, he or she will follow the way of heaven. When you conform to the way of heaven, you are following the will of heaven. This then is shinshin shingan. Accordingly the ninja has to be a knowledgeable and righteous person. I also refer to "ninjutsu" as skill in knowledge. And so with a smile a ninja must always be able to adapt and change to the situation (banpenfugyô).

This is the martial wind (true way) of Togakure Ryu.

~ Takamatsu Sensei training with Hatsumi Sensei